Mortgage Loans
Mortgage Loan Options
We know that your home is the center of your activities, life and family. That’s why at S&T, we strive to give you the options and tools you need for healthy home finances.
Home Ownership Program
The Home Ownership Program provides affordable purchase options for eligible borrowers1 and/or properties.2 This program offers discounted document preparation fees, no mortgage insurance requirement and a minimum borrower contribution as little as $500. With $3,0003 toward closing costs for qualified borrowers1, home ownership is within reach.
Fixed Rate Mortgages
With our fixed-rate mortgage, you can count on consistent monthly payments and fixed interest rates for the life of your loan. This type of loan offers you a level of stability and convenience.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Finding the right home doesn’t mean you’ll live there forever. Whether you’re a newlywed couple looking for a “starter home,” a soon-to-be empty nester who is downsizing, or simply have plans to move in a few years, an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is a viable financing option for shorter-term borrowers.
Construction Loans
Construction loans from S&T Bank feature one convenient closing that allows customers to convert their construction loan to a permanent mortgage at the end of the construction period. There are also options to begin new construction while still living in your current home.
This is a great option for first-time homebuyers with modest savings. Make the dream of home ownership a reality with conservative payments and no minimum contribution from the borrower’s own funds.4
Community Champions
With low down payment options, expanded loan-to value ratios, no mortgage insurance requirements, and discounted origination fees, the Community Champions program offers financing for public or private chartered school teachers, registered nurses, EMTs, employees of a police force, and paid firefighters.
Mortgage Refinancing
People refinance for many reasons. You might want more manageable monthly payments or to pay off your loan quicker. Perhaps the market has changed and you can take advantage of better rates, or you want to consolidate debt or get cash out for expenses. See if refinancing can help you meet your goals.
Professional Mortgages
We offer mortgage loans with low down payment options, expanded loan-to-value ratios, and no mortgage insurance requirements to medical doctors, attorneys, and doctorate degree-holders.
Bridge Loans
Bridge loans enable customers to use the equity in their present home toward financing a new home. It’s a powerful tool that buyers can leverage to get a deal moving.
We do provide portfolio mortgages. Portfolio mortgages are financing opportunities for unique properties and borrowers that are generally not accepted in the secondary market. Additional examples of that are large acreage, log homes, non-warrantable condos and investment properties.
Everyone’s financial situation differs; it is important to recognize what you can comfortably afford to borrow. In general, the loan amount you can afford depends on four factors:
- Your debt-to-income ratio, which is your total monthly payments as a percentage of your gross monthly income
- The amount of cash you have available for a down payment and closing costs
- Your credit history
- The value of the property you are purchasing.
S&T has a great option for first-time homebuyers with modest savings. Make the dream of homeownership a reality with conservative payments and no minimum contribution from the borrower’s own funds.1
Since there are many different types of mortgages that are available for prospective home buyers, it’s important to talk with an S&T mortgage banker to see what options are best for you.
1Income of eligible borrowers must be below 80% of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Estimated MSA/MD Median Family Income. They must also meet eligibility requirements including, but not limited to being owner-occupants of a one-unit, single-family, primary residence. HUD approved homebuyer education course is required.
2Eligible properties are one-unit, single-family, owner-occupied primary residences and must be located in a low- or moderate-income census tract. If located in this area, no income limitations apply. HUD approved homebuyer education course is required.
3Closing cost assistance is only available to borrowers that have income below 80% of the area median income and are owner-occupants. The funds will be provided as a lender credit. Program funds can only be used for down payment and nonrecurring closing costs included title insurance and recording fees. The funds cannot be applied toward recurring costs, such as property taxes and insurance. Borrowers cannot receive program funds as cash back. The funds may be considered taxable and a 1099-MISC may be issued; consult with your tax advisor.
Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Loans subject to credit approval.
4Income restrictions apply.
Homebuying Tips
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