America Saves
Encouraging you to save successfully and achieve financial stability.
Saving Automatically
It’s not unusual to lack confidence about saving, no matter how much money you earn. Confidence doesn’t necessarily come with having a lot of money either. Rather, it comes from building healthy financial habits and using the resources that are available to you!
Saving for the Unexpected
For those of us who struggle with saving for the unexpected or are saving but don’t have that three to six months amount accumulated, our confidence might be shaken because we haven’t met this standard. Learn how to stay motivated and save for those unexpected events or opportunities that arise.
Major Life Milestones
Major life milestones require advance planning. The good news is that there are ways to plan and save in a way that aligns with your values and current life situation and still set you up for success.
Becoming Debt Free
Paying off debt actually saves you money overall, allowing you to direct those funds toward saving for something else that’s important to you – perhaps an emergency/opportunity fund, a vacation, home purchase or your retirement.
Saving at Any Age
Savings is an ongoing journey. Whether you are a parent trying to instill this habit in your children or you want to change your own saving behaviors, there are strategies that savers of all ages can develop.
When Life Happens
Many Americans had to adjust their finances during the Covid-19 pandemic. Learn what strategies you can implement to maintain financial stability when the unexpected occurs.
Financial Confidence
Everyone has their own idea of what it means to be financially confident. We all come from different spaces and must find our own individual path to stability and success.
Did you know? You are also entitled to a free copy of your credit report annually. The FTC directs consumers to to obtain a legitimate, free copy of your report so you can review it for accuracy. This will eliminate any surprises and reveal any mistakes that may be affecting your credit score.